Happiness doesn't result from what we get, but from what we give.
Philanthropy & Community Outreach
The Hidden Smile Campaign exists for veterans, victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault. Hidden Smiles was established after Dr. Brown treated a series of women whose lives had been changed after losing their teeth due to traumatic incidents. The restoration of their smiles brought back a confidence that had long been missing. At Brown Prosthodontics, “Knowing that we help victims change their lives through a renewed self-esteem is worth more than any financial compensation”.
Some of you have known about my Hidden Smiles campaign, where we help a survivor of domestic violence with a new smile. For others, this may be the first time you’ve heard of it, which makes this announcement even more sweet. In 2019, instead of helping just one or two survivors, I have launched an official partnership with the National Capital Area Salvation Army so that we can, together, help hopefully 10 TIMES the number of victims and survivors. As rewarding as a full mouth makeover it, not survivor needed that level of care. Many needed help out of tooth pain, and basic services like clothing, shelter, and medical care.
However, helping 10 times the survivors won’t be easy. That’s why I need the support of you, my trusted friends, colleagues, former professors, and even patients.
It would mean the world to me if you watched the short video above explaining why it’s so vital that we get involved today.
I’m really excited about the work Hidden Smiles has already done, and even more excited for what we have planned this year. If you haven’t already, please follow the social media feeds at the links below. I’ll be sharing more information on how you can help support the Survivors and victims of domestic violence and adult human trafficking in the future.
I’ll even have a really big announcement in the coming weeks so let’s keep in touch.
Yours in Service,
Announcing our official partnership with The Salvation Army


It's an injustice that survivors are asked to pay for, and doctors are expected to collect from, these types of circumstances.
Edward K. Brown Jr., DDS
What is the future of Brown Prosthodontics' Hidden Smiles Campaign?
August 2018
The Long-Term Strategic Vision
While in residency in Boston, Dr. Brown first encountered the ill-effects of domestic violence. Years later, and after founding a dental focused non-profit to assist survivors, the desire to scale the work of Hidden Smiles compelled him on a search for a partner to help realize a bigger vision: to transform Hidden Smiles' one-candidate-per-year goal into as-many-as-we-can. Enter the National Capital Area Command Salvation Army. With the help of Debra Byrd and Major Chip Hall (pictured above), Hidden Smiles is in position to make a major push for the financial support of corporate sponsorship. With sponsorship support, we can expand both the range and depth of services offered.
The Hidden Smiles Campaign and Salvation Army are developing the blueprint for cross-collaboration between the dental and non-profit community with a mission to help those in need.